Source code for decode.evaluation.metric

import math
import torch

from torch import nn as nn
from typing import Tuple

[docs]def rmse_mad_dist(xyz_0: torch.Tensor, xyz_1: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]: """ Calculate RMSE and mean absolute distance. Args: xyz_0: coordinates of set 0, xyz_1: coordinates of set 1 Returns: rmse_lat (float): RMSE lateral rmse_ax (float): RMSE axial rmse_vol (float): RMSE volumetric mad_lat (float): Mean Absolute Distance lateral mad_ax (float): Mean Absolute Distance axial mad_vol (float): Mean Absolute Distance vol """ num_tp = xyz_0.size(0) num_gt = xyz_1.size(0) if num_tp != num_gt: raise ValueError("The number of points must match.") if xyz_0.size(1) not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Unsupported ") if num_tp == 0: return (float('nan'),) * 6 mse_loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum') rmse_lat = ((mse_loss(xyz_0[:, 0], xyz_1[:, 0]) + mse_loss(xyz_0[:, 1], xyz_1[:, 1])) / num_tp).sqrt() rmse_axial = (mse_loss(xyz_0[:, 2], xyz_1[:, 2]) / num_tp).sqrt() rmse_vol = (mse_loss(xyz_0, xyz_1) / num_tp).sqrt() mad_loss = nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum') mad_vol = mad_loss(xyz_0, xyz_1) / num_tp mad_lat = (mad_loss(xyz_0[:, 0], xyz_1[:, 0]) + mad_loss(xyz_0[:, 1], xyz_1[:, 1])) / num_tp mad_axial = mad_loss(xyz_0[:, 2], xyz_1[:, 2]) / num_tp return rmse_lat.item(), rmse_axial.item(), rmse_vol.item(), mad_lat.item(), mad_axial.item(), mad_vol.item()
[docs]def precision_recall_jaccard(tp: int, fp: int, fn: int) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Calculates precision, recall, jaccard index and f1 score Args: tp: number of true positives fp: number of false positives fn: number of false negatives Returns: precision (float): precision value 0-1 recall (float): recall value 0-1 jaccard (float): jaccard index 0-1 f1 (float): f1 score 0-1 """ # convert to float as safety measure tp = float(tp) fp = float(fp) fn = float(fn) precision = math.nan if (tp + fp) == 0 else tp / (tp + fp) recall = math.nan if (tp + fn) == 0 else tp / (tp + fn) jaccard = math.nan if (tp + fp + fn) == 0 else tp / (tp + fp + fn) f1score = math.nan if (precision + recall) == 0 else (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) return precision, recall, jaccard, f1score
[docs]def efficiency(jac: float, rmse: float, alpha: float): """ Calculate Efficiency following Sage et al. 2019, superres fight club Args: jac (float): jaccard index 0-1 rmse (float) RMSE value alpha (float): alpha value Returns: effcy (float): efficiency 0-1 """ return (100 - ((100 * (1 - jac)) ** 2 + alpha ** 2 * rmse ** 2) ** 0.5) / 100