Source code for decode.neuralfitter.post_processing

import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod  # abstract class
from typing import Union, Callable

import scipy
import torch
from deprecated import deprecated
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

import decode.simulation.background
from decode.evaluation import match_emittersets
from decode.generic.emitter import EmitterSet, EmptyEmitterSet
from decode.neuralfitter.utils.probability import binom_pdiverse

[docs]class PostProcessing(ABC): _return_types = ('batch-set', 'frame-set') def __init__(self, xy_unit, px_size, return_format: str): """ Args: return_format (str): return format of forward function. Must be 'batch-set', 'frame-set'. If 'batch-set' one instance of EmitterSet will be returned per forward call, if 'frame-set' a tuple of EmitterSet one per frame will be returned sanity_check (bool): perform sanity check """ super().__init__() self.xy_unit = xy_unit self.px_size = px_size self.return_format = return_format
[docs] def sanity_check(self): """ Sanity checks """ if self.return_format not in self._return_types: raise ValueError("Not supported return type.")
[docs] def skip_if(self, x): """ Skip post-processing when a certain condition is met and implementation would fail, i.e. to many bright pixels in the detection channel. Default implementation returns False always. Args: x: network output Returns: bool: returns true when post-processing should be skipped """ return False
@deprecated(reason="Not of interest for the post-processing.", version="") def _return_as_type(self, em, ix_low, ix_high): """ Returns in the type specified in constructor Args: em (EmitterSet): emitters ix_low (int): lower frame_ix ix_high (int): upper frame_ix Returns: EmitterSet or list: Returns as EmitterSet or as list of EmitterSets """ if self.return_format == 'batch-set': return em elif self.return_format == 'frame-set': return em.split_in_frames(ix_low=ix_low, ix_up=ix_high) else: raise ValueError
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> (EmitterSet, list): """ Forward anything through the post-processing and return an EmitterSet Args: x: Returns: EmitterSet or list: Returns as EmitterSet or as list of EmitterSets """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NoPostProcessing(PostProcessing): """ The 'No' Post-Processing post-processing. Will always return an empty EmitterSet. """ def __init__(self, xy_unit=None, px_size=None, return_format='batch-set'): super().__init__(xy_unit=xy_unit, px_size=px_size, return_format=return_format)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ Args: x (torch.Tensor): any input tensor where the first dim is the batch-dim. Returns: EmptyEmitterSet: An empty EmitterSet """ return EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit=self.xy_unit, px_size=self.px_size)
[docs]class LookUpPostProcessing(PostProcessing): """ Simple post-processing in which we threshold the probability output (raw threshold) and then look-up the features in the respective channels. """ def __init__(self, raw_th: float, xy_unit: str, px_size=None, pphotxyzbg_mapping: Union[list, tuple] = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1), photxyz_sigma_mapping: Union[list, tuple, None] = (5, 6, 7, 8)): """ Args: raw_th: initial raw threshold xy_unit: xy unit unit px_size: pixel size pphotxyzbg_mapping: channel index mapping of detection (p), photon, x, y, z, bg """ super().__init__(xy_unit=xy_unit, px_size=px_size, return_format='batch-set') self.raw_th = raw_th self.pphotxyzbg_mapping = pphotxyzbg_mapping self.photxyz_sigma_mapping = photxyz_sigma_mapping assert len(self.pphotxyzbg_mapping) == 6, "Wrong length of mapping." if self.photxyz_sigma_mapping is not None: assert len(self.photxyz_sigma_mapping) == 4, "Wrong length of sigma mapping." def _filter(self, detection) -> torch.BoolTensor: """ Args: detection: any tensor that should be thresholded Returns: boolean with active px """ return detection >= self.raw_th @staticmethod def _lookup_features(features: torch.Tensor, active_px: torch.Tensor) -> tuple: """ Args: features: size :math:`(N, C, H, W)` active_px: size :math:`(N, H, W)` Returns: torch.Tensor: batch-ix, size :math: `M` torch.Tensor: extracted features size :math:`(C, M)` """ assert features.dim() == 4 assert active_px.dim() == features.dim() - 1 batch_ix = active_px.nonzero(as_tuple=False)[:, 0] features_active = features.permute(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, active_px] return batch_ix, features_active
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> EmitterSet: """ Forward model output tensor through post-processing and return EmitterSet. Will include sigma values in EmitterSet if mapping was provided initially. Args: x: model output Returns: EmitterSet """ """Reorder features channel-wise.""" x_mapped = x[:, self.pphotxyzbg_mapping] """Filter""" active_px = self._filter(x_mapped[:, 0]) # 0th ch. is detection channel prob = x_mapped[:, 0][active_px] """Look-Up in channels""" frame_ix, features = self._lookup_features(x_mapped[:, 1:], active_px) """Return EmitterSet""" xyz = features[1:4].transpose(0, 1) """If sigma mapping is present, get those values as well.""" if self.photxyz_sigma_mapping is not None: sigma = x[:, self.photxyz_sigma_mapping] _, features_sigma = self._lookup_features(sigma, active_px) xyz_sigma = features_sigma[1:4].transpose(0, 1).cpu() phot_sigma = features_sigma[0].cpu() else: xyz_sigma = None phot_sigma = None return EmitterSet(xyz=xyz.cpu(), frame_ix=frame_ix.cpu(), phot=features[0, :].cpu(), xyz_sig=xyz_sigma, phot_sig=phot_sigma, bg_sig=None, bg=features[4, :].cpu() if features.size(0) == 5 else None, prob=prob.cpu(), xy_unit=self.xy_unit, px_size=self.px_size)
[docs]class SpatialIntegration(LookUpPostProcessing): """ Spatial Integration post processing. """ _p_aggregations = ('sum', 'norm_sum') # , 'max', 'pbinom_cdf', 'pbinom_pdf') _split_th = 0.6 def __init__(self, raw_th: float, xy_unit: str, px_size=None, pphotxyzbg_mapping: Union[list, tuple] = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1), photxyz_sigma_mapping: Union[list, tuple, None] = (5, 6, 7, 8), p_aggregation: Union[str, Callable] = 'norm_sum'): """ Args: raw_th: probability threshold from where detections are considered xy_unit: unit of the xy coordinates px_size: pixel size pphotxyzbg_mapping: channel index mapping photxyz_sigma_mapping: channel index mapping of sigma channels p_aggregation: aggreation method to aggregate probabilities. can be 'sum', 'max', 'norm_sum' """ super().__init__(raw_th=raw_th, xy_unit=xy_unit, px_size=px_size, pphotxyzbg_mapping=pphotxyzbg_mapping, photxyz_sigma_mapping=photxyz_sigma_mapping) self.p_aggregation = self.set_p_aggregation(p_aggregation)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> EmitterSet: x[:, 0] = self._nms(x[:, 0], self.p_aggregation, self.raw_th, self._split_th) return super().forward(x)
@staticmethod def _nms(p: torch.Tensor, p_aggregation, raw_th, split_th) -> torch.Tensor: """ Non-Maximum Suppresion Args: p: """ with torch.no_grad(): p_copy = p.clone() """Probability values > 0.3 are regarded as possible locations""" p_clip = torch.where(p > raw_th, p, torch.zeros_like(p))[:, None] """localize maximum values within a 3x3 patch""" pool = torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(p_clip, 3, 1, padding=1) max_mask1 = torch.eq(p[:, None], pool).float() """Add probability values from the 4 adjacent pixels""" diag = 0. # 1/np.sqrt(2) filt = torch.tensor([[diag, 1., diag], [1, 1, 1], [diag, 1, diag]]).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).to(p.device) conv = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(p[:, None], filt, padding=1) p_ps1 = max_mask1 * conv """ In order do be able to identify two fluorophores in adjacent pixels we look for probablity values > 0.6 that are not part of the first mask """ p_copy *= (1 - max_mask1[:, 0]) # p_clip = torch.where(p_copy > split_th, p_copy, torch.zeros_like(p_copy))[:, None] max_mask2 = torch.where(p_copy > split_th, torch.ones_like(p_copy), torch.zeros_like(p_copy))[:, None] p_ps2 = max_mask2 * conv """This is our final clustered probablity which we then threshold (normally > 0.7) to get our final discrete locations""" p_ps = p_aggregation(p_ps1, p_ps2) assert p_ps.size(1) == 1 return p_ps.squeeze(1)
[docs] @classmethod def set_p_aggregation(cls, p_aggr: Union[str, Callable]) -> Callable: """ Sets the p_aggregation by string or callable. Return s Callable Args: p_aggr: probability aggregation """ if isinstance(p_aggr, str): if p_aggr == 'sum': return torch.add elif p_aggr == 'max': return torch.max elif p_aggr == 'norm_sum': def norm_sum(*args): return torch.clamp(torch.add(*args), 0., 1.) return norm_sum else: raise ValueError else: return p_aggr
[docs]class ConsistencyPostprocessing(PostProcessing): """ PostProcessing implementation that divides the output in hard and easy samples. Easy samples are predictions in which we have a single one hot pixel in the detection channel, hard samples are pixels in the detection channel where the adjacent pixels are also active (i.e. above a certain initial threshold). """ _p_aggregations = ('sum', 'max', 'pbinom_cdf', 'pbinom_pdf') _xy_unit = 'nm' def __init__(self, *, raw_th, em_th, xy_unit: str, img_shape, ax_th=None, vol_th=None, lat_th=None, p_aggregation='pbinom_cdf', px_size=None, match_dims=2, diag=0, pphotxyzbg_mapping=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1], num_workers=0, skip_th: (None, float) = None, return_format='batch-set', sanity_check=True): """ Args: pphotxyzbg_mapping: raw_th: em_th: xy_unit: img_shape: ax_th: vol_th: lat_th: p_aggregation: px_size: match_dims: diag: num_workers: skip_th: relative fraction of the detection output to be on to skip post_processing. This is useful during training when the network has not yet converged and major parts of the detection output is white (i.e. non sparse detections). return_format: sanity_check: """ super().__init__(xy_unit=xy_unit, px_size=px_size, return_format=return_format) self.raw_th = raw_th self.em_th = em_th self.p_aggregation = p_aggregation self.match_dims = match_dims self.num_workers = num_workers self.skip_th = skip_th self.pphotxyzbg_mapping = pphotxyzbg_mapping self._filter = match_emittersets.GreedyHungarianMatching(match_dims=match_dims, dist_lat=lat_th, dist_ax=ax_th, dist_vol=vol_th).filter self._bg_calculator = decode.simulation.background.BgPerEmitterFromBgFrame(filter_size=13, xextent=(0., 1.), yextent=(0., 1.), img_shape=img_shape) self._neighbor_kernel = torch.tensor([[diag, 1, diag], [1, 1, 1], [diag, 1, diag]]).float().view(1, 1, 3, 3) self._clusterer = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=None, distance_threshold=lat_th if self.match_dims == 2 else vol_th, affinity='precomputed', linkage='single') if sanity_check: self.sanity_check()
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, param, **kwargs): """ Return an instance of this post-processing as specified by the parameters Args: param: Returns: ConsistencyPostProcessing """ return cls(raw_th=param.PostProcessingParam.single_val_th, em_th=param.PostProcessingParam.total_th, xy_unit='px', px_size=param.Camera.px_size, img_shape=param.TestSet.img_size, ax_th=param.PostProcessingParam.ax_th, vol_th=param.PostProcessingParam.vol_th, lat_th=param.PostProcessingParam.lat_th, match_dims=param.PostProcessingParam.match_dims, return_format='batch-set', **kwargs)
[docs] def sanity_check(self): """ Performs some sanity checks. Part of the constructor; useful if you modify attributes later on and want to double check. """ super().sanity_check() if self.p_aggregation not in self._p_aggregations: raise ValueError("Unsupported probability aggregation type.") if len(self.pphotxyzbg_mapping) != 6: raise ValueError(f"Wrong channel mapping length.")
[docs] def skip_if(self, x): if x.dim() != 4: raise ValueError("Unsupported dim.") if self.skip_th is not None and (x[:, 0] >= self.raw_th).sum() > self.skip_th * x[:, 0].numel(): return True else: return False
def _cluster_batch(self, p, features): """ Cluster a batch of frames Args: p (torch.Tensor): detections features (torch.Tensor): features Returns: """ clusterer = self._clusterer p_aggregation = self.p_aggregation if p.size(1) > 1: raise ValueError("Not Supported shape for propbabilty.") p_out = torch.zeros_like(p).view(p.size(0), p.size(1), -1) feat_out = features.clone().view(features.size(0), features.size(1), -1) """Frame wise clustering.""" for i in range(features.size(0)): ix = p[i, 0] > 0 if (ix == 0.).all().item(): continue alg_ix = (p[i].view(-1) > 0).nonzero().squeeze(1) p_frame = p[i, 0, ix].view(-1) f_frame = features[i, :, ix] # flatten samples and put them in the first dim f_frame = f_frame.reshape(f_frame.size(0), -1).permute(1, 0) filter_mask = self._filter(f_frame[:, 1:4], f_frame[:, 1:4]) if self.match_dims == 2: dist_mat = torch.pdist(f_frame[:, 1:3]) elif self.match_dims == 3: dist_mat = torch.pdist(f_frame[:, 1:4]) else: raise ValueError dist_mat = torch.from_numpy(scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dist_mat)) dist_mat[~filter_mask] = 999999999999. # those who shall not match shall be separated, only finite vals ... if dist_mat.shape[0] == 1: warnings.warn("I don't know how this can happen but there seems to be a" " single an isolated difficult case ...", stacklevel=3) n_clusters = 1 labels = torch.tensor([0]) else: n_clusters = clusterer.n_clusters_ labels = torch.from_numpy(clusterer.labels_) for c in range(n_clusters): in_cluster = labels == c feat_ix = alg_ix[in_cluster] if p_aggregation == 'sum': p_agg = p_frame[in_cluster].sum() elif p_aggregation == 'max': p_agg = p_frame[in_cluster].max() elif p_aggregation == 'pbinom_cdf': z = binom_pdiverse(p_frame[in_cluster].view(-1)) p_agg = z[1:].sum() elif p_aggregation == 'pbinom_pdf': z = binom_pdiverse(p_frame[in_cluster].view(-1)) p_agg = z[1] else: raise ValueError p_out[i, 0, feat_ix[0]] = p_agg # only set first element to some probability """Average the features.""" feat_av = (feat_out[i, :, feat_ix] * p_frame[in_cluster]).sum(1) / p_frame[in_cluster].sum() feat_out[i, :, feat_ix] = feat_av.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, in_cluster.sum()) return p_out.reshape(p.size()), feat_out.reshape(features.size()) def _forward_raw_impl(self, p, features): """ Actual implementation. Args: p: features: Returns: """ with torch.no_grad(): """First init by an first threshold to get rid of all the nonsense""" p_clip = torch.zeros_like(p) is_above_svalue = p > self.raw_th p_clip[is_above_svalue] = p[is_above_svalue] # p_clip_rep = p_clip.repeat(1, features.size(1), 1, 1) # repeated to access the features """Compute Local Mean Background""" if features.size(1) == 5: bg_out = features[:, [4]] bg_out = self._bg_calculator._mean_filter(bg_out).cpu() else: bg_out = None """Divide the set in easy (no neighbors) and set of predictions with adjacents""" binary_mask = torch.zeros_like(p_clip) binary_mask[p_clip > 0] = 1. # count neighbors self._neighbor_kernel = self._neighbor_kernel.type(binary_mask.dtype).to(binary_mask.device) count = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(binary_mask, self._neighbor_kernel, padding=1) * binary_mask # divide in easy and difficult set is_easy = count == 1 is_easy_rep = is_easy.repeat(1, features.size(1), 1, 1) is_diff = count > 1 is_diff_rep = is_diff.repeat(1, features.size(1), 1, 1) p_easy = torch.zeros_like(p_clip) p_diff = p_easy.clone() feat_easy = torch.zeros_like(features) feat_diff = feat_easy.clone() p_easy[is_easy] = p_clip[is_easy] feat_easy[is_easy_rep] = features[is_easy_rep] p_diff[is_diff] = p_clip[is_diff] feat_diff[is_diff_rep] = features[is_diff_rep] p_out = torch.zeros_like(p_clip).cpu() feat_out = torch.zeros_like(feat_diff).cpu() """Cluster the hard cases if they are consistent given euclidean affinity.""" if self.num_workers == 0: p_out_diff, feat_out_diff = self._cluster_batch(p_diff.cpu(), feat_diff.cpu()) else: raise NotImplementedError """Add the easy ones.""" p_out[is_easy] = p_easy[is_easy].cpu() p_out[is_diff] = p_out_diff[is_diff].cpu() feat_out[is_easy_rep] = feat_easy[is_easy_rep].cpu() feat_out[is_diff_rep] = feat_out_diff[is_diff_rep].cpu() """Write the bg frame""" if features.size(1) == 5: feat_out[:, [4]] = bg_out return p_out, feat_out def _frame2emitter(self, p: torch.Tensor, features: torch.Tensor): """ Convert frame based features to tensor based features (go frame from image world to emitter world) Args: p (torch.Tensor): detection channel features (torch.Tensor): features Returns: (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) feat_out: output features p_out: final probabilities batch_ix: batch index """ is_pos = (p >= self.em_th).nonzero() # is above threshold p_out = p[p >= self.em_th] # look up features feat_out = features[is_pos[:, 0], :, is_pos[:, 2], is_pos[:, 3]] # pick corresponding batch index batch_ix = torch.ones_like(p) * torch.arange(p.size(0), dtype=features.dtype).view(-1, 1, 1, 1) # bookkeep batch_ix = batch_ix[is_pos[:, 0], :, is_pos[:, 2], is_pos[:, 3]] return feat_out, p_out, batch_ix.long()
[docs] def forward(self, features: torch.Tensor): """ Forward the feature map through the post processing and return an EmitterSet or a list of EmitterSets. For the input features we use the following convention: 0 - Detection channel 1 - Photon channel 2 - 'x' channel 3 - 'y' channel 4 - 'z' channel 5 - Background channel Expecting x and y channels in nano-metres. Args: features (torch.Tensor): Features of size :math:`(N, C, H, W)` Returns: EmitterSet or list of EmitterSets: Specified by return_format argument, EmitterSet in nano metres. """ if self.skip_if(features): return EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit=self.xy_unit, px_size=self.px_size) if features.dim() != 4: raise ValueError("Wrong dimensionality. Needs to be N x C x H x W.") features = features[:, self.pphotxyzbg_mapping] # change channel order if needed p = features[:, [0], :, :] features = features[:, 1:, :, :] # phot, x, y, z, bg p_out, feat_out = self._forward_raw_impl(p, features) feature_list, prob_final, frame_ix = self._frame2emitter(p_out, feat_out) frame_ix = frame_ix.squeeze() return EmitterSet(xyz=feature_list[:, 1:4], phot=feature_list[:, 0], frame_ix=frame_ix, prob=prob_final, bg=feature_list[:, 4], xy_unit=self.xy_unit, px_size=self.px_size)