Source code for decode.neuralfitter.weight_generator

from abc import abstractmethod
from deprecated import deprecated
from typing import Union

import torch
import torch.nn

import decode.generic.emitter as emc
import decode.simulation.psf_kernel as psf_kernel
from . import target_generator

[docs]class WeightGenerator(target_generator.TargetGenerator): """Abstract weight generator. A weight is something that is to be multiplied by the (non-reduced) loss.""" def __init__(self, ix_low: int = None, ix_high: int = None, squeeze_batch_dim: bool = False): super().__init__(xy_unit=None, ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high, squeeze_batch_dim=squeeze_batch_dim)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, param): """ Constructs WeightGenerator by parameter variable which will be likely be a namedtuple, dotmap or similiar. Args: param: Returns: WeightGenerator: Instance of WeightGenerator child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_forward_sanity(self, tar_em: emc.EmitterSet, tar_frames: torch.Tensor, ix_low: int, ix_high: int): """ Check sanity of forward arguments, raise error otherwise. Args: tar_em: target emitters tar_frames: target frames ix_low: lower frame index ix_high: upper frame index """ if tar_frames.dim() != 4: raise ValueError("Unsupported shape of input.") if self.squeeze_batch_dim: if tar_frames.size(0) != 1: raise ValueError("Squeezing batch dim is only allowed if it is singular.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, tar_em: emc.EmitterSet, tar_frames: torch.Tensor, ix_low: int, ix_high: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate weight map based on target frames and target emitters. Args: tar_em (EmitterSet): target EmitterSet tar_frames (torch.Tensor): frames of size :math:`((N,),C,H,W)` Returns: torch.Tensor: Weight mask of size :math:`((N,),D,H,W)` where likely :math:`C=D` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimpleWeight(WeightGenerator): _weight_bases_all = ('const', 'phot') def __init__(self, *, xextent: tuple, yextent: tuple, img_shape: tuple, roi_size: int, weight_mode='const', weight_power: float = None, forward_safety: bool = True, ix_low: Union[int, None] = None, ix_high: Union[int, None] = None, squeeze_batch_dim: bool = False): """ Args: xextent (tuple): extent in x yextent (tuple): extent in y img_shape: image shape roi_size (int): roi size of the target weight_mode (str): constant or phot weight_power (float): power factor of the weight forward_safety: check sanity of forward arguments """ super().__init__(ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high, squeeze_batch_dim=squeeze_batch_dim) self.roi_size = roi_size self.target_equivalent = target_generator.UnifiedEmbeddingTarget(xextent=xextent, yextent=yextent, img_shape=img_shape, roi_size=roi_size, ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high) self.weight_psf = psf_kernel.DeltaPSF(xextent, yextent, img_shape) self.weight_mode = weight_mode self.weight_power = weight_power if weight_power is not None else 1.0 self._forward_safety = forward_safety self.check_sanity()
[docs] def check_sanity(self): if self.weight_mode not in self._weight_bases_all: raise ValueError(f"Weight base must be in {self._weight_bases_all}.") if self.weight_mode == 'const' and self.weight_power != 1.: raise ValueError(f"Weight power of {self.weight_power} != 1." f" which does not have an effect for constant weight mode")
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, param, **kwargs): return cls(xextent=param.Simulation.psf_extent[0], yextent=param.Simulation.psf_extent[1], img_shape=param.Simulation.img_size, roi_size=param.HyperParameter.target_roi_size, weight_mode=param.HyperParameter.weight_base, weight_power=param.HyperParameter.weight_power, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_forward_sanity(self, tar_em: emc.EmitterSet, tar_frames: torch.Tensor, ix_low: int, ix_high: int): super().check_forward_sanity(tar_em, tar_frames, ix_low, ix_high) if tar_frames.size(1) != 6: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported channel dimension.") if self.weight_mode != 'const': raise NotImplementedError if (ix_low is not None) or (ix_high is not None): if (ix_high - ix_low + 1) != tar_frames.size(0): raise ValueError(f"Index does not match")
[docs] def forward(self, tar_em: emc.EmitterSet, tar_frames: torch.Tensor, ix_low: Union[int, None] = None, ix_high: Union[int, None] = None) -> torch.Tensor: if self.squeeze_batch_dim and tar_frames.dim() == 3: tar_frames = tar_frames.unsqueeze(0) if self._forward_safety: self.check_forward_sanity(tar_em, tar_frames, ix_low, ix_high) tar_em, ix_low, ix_high = self.target_equivalent._filter_forward(tar_em, ix_low, ix_high) """Set Detection and Background to 1.""" weight_frames = torch.zeros_like(tar_frames) weight_frames[:, [0, -1]] = 1. """Get ROI px set them to the specified weight and rm overlap regions but preserve central px""" xyz = tar_em.xyz_px ix_batch = tar_em.frame_ix weight = torch.ones_like(tar_em.phot) batch_size = ix_high - ix_low + 1 ix_x, ix_y = self.weight_psf.search_bin_index(xyz[:, :2]) ix_batch_roi, ix_x_roi, ix_y_roi, _, _, id = self.target_equivalent._get_roi_px(ix_batch, ix_x, ix_y) """Set ROI""" roi_frames = self.target_equivalent.const_roi_target(ix_batch_roi, ix_x_roi, ix_y_roi, weight, id, batch_size) """RM overlap but preserve central pixels""" if ix_batch_roi.size(0) >= 1: # this is a Pytorch 1.4 fix ix_roi_unique, roi_count = torch.stack((ix_batch_roi, ix_x_roi, ix_y_roi), 1).unique(dim=0, return_counts=True) else: ix_roi_unique = torch.zeros((0, 3)).long() roi_count = torch.zeros((0,)).long() ix_overlap = roi_count >= 2 roi_frames[ix_roi_unique[ix_overlap, 0], ix_roi_unique[ix_overlap, 1], ix_roi_unique[ix_overlap, 2]] = 0 """Preserve central pixels""" roi_frames[ix_batch, ix_x, ix_y] = weight weight_frames[:, 1:-1] = roi_frames.unsqueeze(1) return self._postprocess_output(weight_frames)
[docs]@deprecated(reason="Preliminary implementation. Kept if usefuel in future.", version="0.9") class FourFoldSimpleWeight(WeightGenerator): def __init__(self, *, xextent: tuple, yextent: tuple, img_shape: tuple, roi_size: int, rim: float, weight_mode='const', weight_power: float = None): super().__init__() self.rim = rim self.ctr = SimpleWeight(xextent=xextent, yextent=yextent, img_shape=img_shape, roi_size=roi_size, weight_mode=weight_mode, weight_power=weight_power) self.half_x = SimpleWeight(xextent=(xextent[0] + 0.5, xextent[1] + 0.5), yextent=yextent, img_shape=img_shape, roi_size=roi_size, weight_mode=weight_mode, weight_power=weight_power) self.half_y = SimpleWeight(xextent=xextent, yextent=(yextent[0] + 0.5, yextent[1] + 0.5), img_shape=img_shape, roi_size=roi_size, weight_mode=weight_mode, weight_power=weight_power) self.half_xy = SimpleWeight(xextent=(xextent[0] + 0.5, xextent[1] + 0.5), yextent=(yextent[0] + 0.5, yextent[1] + 0.5), img_shape=img_shape, roi_size=roi_size, weight_mode=weight_mode, weight_power=weight_power)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, param): return cls(xextent=param.Simulation.psf_extent[0], yextent=param.Simulation.psf_extent[1], rim=param.HyperParameter.target_train_rim, img_shape=param.Simulation.img_size, roi_size=param.HyperParameter.target_roi_size, weight_mode=param.HyperParameter.weight_base, weight_power=param.HyperParameter.weight_power)
@staticmethod def _filter_rim(*args, **kwargs): import decode.neuralfitter.target_generator return decode.neuralfitter.target_generator.FourFoldEmbedding._filter_rim(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _add_artfcl_bg(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Add dummy NaN background because we need 6 channels Args: x: Returns: """ assert x.dim() == 4 assert x.size(1) == 5 art_bg = float('nan') * torch.ones_like(x[:, [0]]) return, art_bg), 1)
[docs] def forward(self, tar_em: emc.EmitterSet, tar_frames: torch.Tensor, ix_low: Union[int, None] = None, ix_high: Union[int, None] = None) -> torch.Tensor: # tar_frames = super().forward(tar_frames, None, None) ctr = self.ctr.forward(tar_em=tar_em[self._filter_rim(, (-0.5, -0.5), self.rim, (1., 1.))], tar_frames=self._add_artfcl_bg(tar_frames[:, :5]), ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high)[:, :-1] hx = self.ctr.forward(tar_em=tar_em[self._filter_rim(tar_em.xyz_px, (0., -0.5), self.rim, (1., 1.))], tar_frames=self._add_artfcl_bg(tar_frames[:, 5:10]), ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high)[:, :-1] hy = self.ctr.forward(tar_em=tar_em[self._filter_rim(tar_em.xyz_px, (-0.5, 0.), self.rim, (1., 1.))], tar_frames=self._add_artfcl_bg(tar_frames[:, 10:15]), ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high)[:, :-1] hxy = self.ctr.forward(tar_em=tar_em[self._filter_rim(tar_em.xyz_px, (0., 0.), self.rim, (1., 1.))], tar_frames=self._add_artfcl_bg(tar_frames[:, 15:20]), ix_low=ix_low, ix_high=ix_high)[:, :-1] weight =, hx, hy, hxy), 1) if tar_frames.size(1) == 21: weight =, torch.ones_like(tar_frames[:, [20]])), 1) return self._postprocess_output(weight) # return in dimensions of input frame