Source code for decode.plot.frame_coord

from typing import Optional

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch

x to the right, y down.
—--—x --——>

[docs]def connect_point_set(set0, set1, threeD=False, ax=None): """ Plots the connecting lines between the set0 and set1 in 2D. Args: set0: torch.Tensor / np.array of dim N x 2 set1: torch.Tensor / np.array of dim N x 2 threeD (bool): plot / connect in 3D ax: axis where to plot Returns: """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if threeD: for i in range(set0.size(0)): ax.plot3D([set0[i, 0], set1[i, 0]], [set0[i, 1], set1[i, 1]], [set0[i, 2], set1[i, 2]], 'orange') else: for i in range(set0.size(0)): ax.plot([set0[i, 0], set1[i, 0]], [set0[i, 1], set1[i, 1]], 'orange')
[docs]class PlotFrame: def __init__(self, frame: torch.Tensor, extent: Optional[tuple] = None, clim=None, plot_colorbar: bool = False, axes_order: Optional[str] = None): """ Plots a frame. Args: frame: frame to be plotted extent: specify frame extent, tuple ((x0, x1), (y0, y1)) clim: clim values plot_colorbar: plot the colorbar axes_order: order of axis. Either default order (None) or 'future' (i.e. future version of decode in which we will swap axes). This is only a visual effect and does not change the storage scheme of the EmitterSet """ self.frame = frame.detach().squeeze() self.extent = extent self.clim = clim self.plot_colorbar = plot_colorbar self._axes_order = axes_order assert self._axes_order is None or self._axes_order == 'future' if self._axes_order is None: self.frame.transpose_(-1, -2)
[docs] def plot(self) -> plt.axis: """ Plot the frame. Note that according to convention we need to transpose the last two axis. """ if self.extent is None: plt.imshow(self.frame.numpy(), cmap='gray') else: plt.imshow(self.frame.numpy(), cmap='gray', extent=( self.extent[0][0], self.extent[0][1], self.extent[1][1], self.extent[1][0])) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') if self.clim is not None: plt.clim(self.clim[0], self.clim[1]) # safety measure if self.plot_colorbar: plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') return plt.gca()
[docs]class PlotCoordinates: _labels_default = ('Target', 'Output', 'Init') def __init__(self, pos_tar=None, phot_tar=None, pos_out=None, phot_out=None, pos_ini=None, phot_ini=None, extent_limit=None, match_lines=False, labels=None, axes_order: Optional[str] = None): """ Plots points in 2D projection. Args: pos_tar: phot_tar: pos_out: phot_out: pos_ini: phot_ini: extent_limit: match_lines: plots axes_order: order of axis. Either default order (None) or 'future' (i.e. future version of decode in which we will swap axes). This is only a visual effect and does not change the storage scheme of the EmitterSet """ self.extent_limit = extent_limit self.pos_tar = pos_tar self.phot_tar = phot_tar self.pos_out = pos_out self.phot_out = phot_out self.pos_ini = pos_ini self.phot_ini = phot_ini self.match_lines = match_lines self.labels = labels if labels is not None else self._labels_default self._axes_order = axes_order self.tar_marker = 'ro' self.tar_cmap = 'winter' self.out_marker = 'bx' self.out_cmap = 'viridis' self.ini_marker = 'g+' self.ini_cmap = 'copper' assert self._axes_order is None or self._axes_order == 'future'
[docs] def plot(self): def plot_xyz(pos, marker, color, label): if self._axes_order == 'future': pos = pos[:, [1, 0, 2]] plt.scatter(pos[:, 0].numpy(), pos[:, 1].numpy(), marker=marker, c=color, facecolors='none', label=label) def plot_xyz_phot(pos, phot, marker, cmap, label): if self._axes_order == 'decode_future': pos = pos[:, [1, 0, 2]] plt.scatter(pos[:, 0].numpy(), pos[:, 1].numpy(), c=phot.numpy(), marker=marker, facecolors='none', cmap=cmap, label=label) if self.pos_tar is not None: if self.phot_tar is not None: plot_xyz_phot(self.pos_tar, self.phot_tar, self.tar_marker[1], self.tar_cmap, self.labels[0]) else: plot_xyz(self.pos_tar, self.tar_marker[1], self.tar_marker[0], self.labels[0]) if self.pos_out is not None: if self.phot_out is not None: plot_xyz_phot(self.pos_out, self.phot_out, self.out_marker[1], self.out_cmap, self.labels[1]) else: plot_xyz(self.pos_out, self.out_marker[1], self.out_marker[0], self.labels[1]) if self.pos_ini is not None: if self.phot_ini is not None: plot_xyz_phot(self.pos_ini, self.phot_ini, self.ini_marker[1], self.ini_cmap, self.labels[2]) else: plot_xyz(self.pos_ini, self.ini_marker[1], self.ini_marker[0], self.labels[2]) if self.pos_tar is not None and self.pos_out is not None and self.match_lines: connect_point_set(self.pos_tar, self.pos_out, threeD=False) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax_ylimits = ax.get_ylim() if ax_ylimits[0] <= ax_ylimits[1]: ax.set_ylim(ax_ylimits[::-1]) # invert the axis if self._axes_order is None: plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') else: plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('x') if self.extent_limit is not None: plt.xlim(*self.extent_limit[0]) plt.ylim(*self.extent_limit[1][::-1]) # reverse tuple order return plt.gca()
[docs]class PlotCoordinates3D: _labels_default = ('Target', 'Output', 'Init') def __init__(self, pos_tar=None, pos_out=None, phot_out=None, match_lines=False, labels=None): self.pos_tar = pos_tar self.pos_out = pos_out self.phot_out = phot_out self.match_lines = match_lines self.labels = labels if labels is not None else self._labels_default self.fig = plt.gcf() = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
[docs] def plot(self): if self.pos_tar is not None: xyz = self.pos_tar[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], c='red', marker='o', label=self.labels[0]) if self.pos_out is not None: xyz = self.pos_out rgba_colors = torch.zeros((xyz.shape[0], 4)) rgba_colors[:, 2] = 1.0 rgba_colors[:, 3] = 1.0[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], marker='^', color=rgba_colors.numpy(), label=self.labels[1]) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if self.pos_tar is not None and self.pos_out is not None and self.match_lines: connect_point_set(self.pos_tar, self.pos_out, threeD=True)
[docs]class PlotFrameCoord(PlotCoordinates, PlotFrame): def __init__(self, frame, pos_tar=None, phot_tar=None, pos_out=None, phot_out=None, pos_ini=None, phot_ini=None, extent=None, coord_limit=None, norm=None, clim=None, match_lines=False, labels=None, plot_colorbar_frame: bool = False, axes_order: Optional[str] = None): PlotCoordinates.__init__(self, pos_tar=pos_tar, phot_tar=phot_tar, pos_out=pos_out, phot_out=phot_out, pos_ini=pos_ini, phot_ini=phot_ini, extent_limit=coord_limit, match_lines=match_lines, labels=labels, axes_order=axes_order) PlotFrame.__init__(self, frame, extent, clim, plot_colorbar=plot_colorbar_frame, axes_order=axes_order)
[docs] def plot(self): PlotFrame.plot(self) PlotCoordinates.plot(self)