Source code for decode.renderer.renderer

from abc import ABC
from typing import Tuple

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb
from matplotlib.colors import rgb_to_hsv
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..generic import emitter

[docs]class Renderer(ABC): def __init__(self, plot_axis: tuple, xextent: tuple, yextent: tuple, zextent: tuple, px_size: float, abs_clip: float, rel_clip: float, contrast: float): """Renderer. Takes emitters and outputs a rendered image.""" super().__init__() self.xextent = xextent self.yextent = yextent self.zextent = zextent self.px_size = px_size self.plot_axis = plot_axis self.abs_clip = abs_clip self.rel_clip = rel_clip self.contrast = contrast assert ( self.abs_clip is None or self.rel_clip is None ), "Define either an absolute or a relative value for clipping, but not both"
[docs] def forward(self, em: emitter.EmitterSet) -> torch.Tensor: """ Forward emitterset through rendering and output rendered data. Args: em: emitter set """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def render(self, em: emitter.EmitterSet, ax=None): """ Render emitters Args: em: emitter set ax: plot axis """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Renderer2D(Renderer): def __init__(self, px_size, sigma_blur, plot_axis=(0, 1, 2), xextent=None, yextent=None, zextent=None, colextent=None, abs_clip=None, rel_clip=None, contrast=1): """ 2D histogram renderer with constant gaussian blur. Args: px_size: pixel size of the output image in nm sigma_blur: sigma of the gaussian blur applied in nm plot_axis: determines which dimensions get plotted. 0,1,2 = x,y,z. (0,1) is x over y. xextent: extent in x in nm yextent: extent in y in nm zextent: extent in z in nm. cextent: extent of the color variable. Values outside of this range get clipped. abs_clip: absolute clipping value of the histogram in counts rel_clip: clipping value relative to the maximum count. i.e. rel_clip = 0.8 clips at 0.8*hist.max() contrast: scaling factor to increase contrast """ super().__init__( plot_axis=plot_axis, xextent=xextent, yextent=yextent, zextent=zextent, px_size=px_size, abs_clip=abs_clip, rel_clip=rel_clip, contrast=contrast, ) self.sigma_blur = sigma_blur self.colextent = colextent self.jet_hue = self._get_jet_cmap()
[docs] def render(self, em: emitter.EmitterSet, col_vec=None, ax=None): """ Forward emitterset through rendering and output rendered data. Args: em: emitter set col_vec: torch tensor (1 dim) with the same length as em ax: plot axis """ hist = self.forward(em, col_vec).numpy() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if col_vec is not None: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=0.25, pad=-0.25) colb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase( cax, cmap=plt.get_cmap("jet"), values=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 101), norm=mpl.colors.Normalize(0.0, 1.0) ) colb.outline.set_visible(False) cax.text( 0.12, 0.04, f"{self.colextent[0]}", rotation=90, color="white", fontsize=15, transform=cax.transAxes ) cax.text( 0.12, 0.88, f"{self.colextent[1]}", rotation=90, color="white", fontsize=15, transform=cax.transAxes ) cax.axis("off") ax.imshow(np.transpose(hist, [1, 0, 2])) else: # because imshow use different ordering ax.imshow(np.transpose(hist), cmap="gray") return ax
[docs] def forward(self, em: emitter.EmitterSet, col_vec=None) -> torch.Tensor: """ Forward emitterset through rendering and output rendered data. Args: em: emitter set col_vec: torch tensor (1 dim) with the same length as em """ xyz_extent = self.get_extent(em) ind_mask = ( (em.xyz_nm[:, 0] >= xyz_extent[0][0]) * (em.xyz_nm[:, 0] <= xyz_extent[0][1]) * (em.xyz_nm[:, 1] >= xyz_extent[1][0]) * (em.xyz_nm[:, 1] <= xyz_extent[1][1]) * (em.xyz_nm[:, 2] >= xyz_extent[2][0]) * (em.xyz_nm[:, 2] <= xyz_extent[2][1]) ) em_sub = em[ind_mask] if col_vec is not None: col_vec = col_vec[ind_mask] self.colextent = ( col_vec.min(), col_vec.max()) if self.colextent is None else self.colextent int_hist, col_hist = self._hist2d( em_sub, col_vec, xyz_extent[self.plot_axis[0]], xyz_extent[self.plot_axis[1]], self.colextent ) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): c_avg = col_hist / int_hist if self.rel_clip is not None: int_hist = np.clip(int_hist * self.contrast, 0.0, int_hist.max() * self.rel_clip) val = int_hist / int_hist.max() elif self.abs_clip is not None: int_hist = np.clip(int_hist, 0.0, self.abs_clip) val = int_hist / self.abs_clip else: val = int_hist / int_hist.max() val *= self.contrast c_avg[np.isnan(c_avg)] = 0 sat = np.ones(int_hist.shape) hue = np.interp(c_avg, np.linspace(0, 1, 256), self.jet_hue) HSV = np.concatenate((hue[:, :, None], sat[:, :, None], val[:, :, None]), -1) RGB = hsv_to_rgb(HSV) if self.sigma_blur: RGB = np.array( [ gaussian_filter( RGB[:, :, i], sigma=[self.sigma_blur / self.px_size, self.sigma_blur / self.px_size] ) for i in range(3) ] ).transpose(1, 2, 0) RGB = np.clip(RGB, 0, 1) return torch.from_numpy(RGB) else: hist = self._hist2d(em_sub, None, xyz_extent[self.plot_axis[0]], xyz_extent[self.plot_axis[1]]) if self.rel_clip is not None: hist = np.clip(hist, 0.0, hist.max() * self.rel_clip) if self.abs_clip is not None: hist = np.clip(hist, 0.0, self.abs_clip) if self.sigma_blur is not None: hist = gaussian_filter(hist, sigma=[self.sigma_blur / self.px_size, self.sigma_blur / self.px_size]) hist = np.clip(hist, 0, hist.max() / self.contrast) return torch.from_numpy(hist)
[docs] def get_extent(self, em) -> Tuple[tuple, tuple, tuple]: xextent = ( em.xyz_nm[:, 0].min(), em.xyz_nm[:, 0].max()) if self.xextent is None else self.xextent yextent = ( em.xyz_nm[:, 1].min(), em.xyz_nm[:, 1].max()) if self.yextent is None else self.yextent zextent = ( em.xyz_nm[:, 2].min(), em.xyz_nm[:, 2].max()) if self.zextent is None else self.zextent return xextent, yextent, zextent
def _hist2d(self, em: emitter.EmitterSet, col_vec, x_hist_ext, y_hist_ext, c_range=None): xy = em.xyz_nm[:, self.plot_axis].numpy() hist_bins_x = np.arange(x_hist_ext[0], x_hist_ext[1] + self.px_size, self.px_size) hist_bins_y = np.arange(y_hist_ext[0], y_hist_ext[1] + self.px_size, self.px_size) int_hist, _, _ = np.histogram2d(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], bins=(hist_bins_x, hist_bins_y)) if col_vec is not None: c_pos = np.clip(col_vec, c_range[0], c_range[1]) c_weight = (c_pos - c_range[0]) / (c_range[1] - c_range[0]) col_hist, _, _ = np.histogram2d(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], bins=(hist_bins_x, hist_bins_y), weights=c_weight) return int_hist, col_hist else: return int_hist @staticmethod def _get_jet_cmap(): lin_hue = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) cmap = plt.get_cmap("jet", lut=256) cmap = cmap(lin_hue) cmap_hsv = rgb_to_hsv(cmap[:, :3]) jet_hue = cmap_hsv[:, 0] _, b = np.unique(jet_hue, return_index=True) jet_hue = [jet_hue[index] for index in sorted(b)] jet_hue = np.interp(np.linspace(0, len(jet_hue), 256), np.arange(len(jet_hue)), jet_hue) return jet_hue
[docs]class RendererIndividual2D(Renderer2D): def __init__(self, px_size, batch_size=1000, filt_size=10, plot_axis=(0, 1), xextent=None, yextent=None, zextent=None, colextent=None, abs_clip=None, rel_clip=None, contrast=1, intensity_field="sigma", device="cpu"): """ 2D histogram renderer. Each localization is individually rendered as a 2D Gaussian corresponding to a respective field. Args: px_size: pixel size of the output image in nm batch_size: number of localization processed in parallel filt_size: each gaussian is calculated as a patch with size filt_size*filt_size (in pixels) plot_axis: determines which dimensions get plotted. 0,1,2 = x,y,z. (0,1) is x over y. xextent: extent in x in nm yextent: extent in y in nm zextent: extent in z in nm. cextent: extent of the color variable. Values outside of this range get clipped. abs_clip: absolute clipping value of the histogram in counts rel_clip: clipping value relative to the maximum count. i.e. rel_clip = 0.8 clips at 0.8*hist.max() contrast: scaling factor to increase contrast intensity_field: field of emitter that should be used for rendering device: render on cpu or cuda """ super().__init__( px_size=px_size, sigma_blur=None, plot_axis=plot_axis, xextent=xextent, yextent=yextent, zextent=zextent, colextent=colextent, abs_clip=abs_clip, rel_clip=rel_clip, contrast=contrast, ) = batch_size self.fs = filt_size self.device = device self.intensity_field = intensity_field
[docs] def calc_gaussians(self, xy_mu, xy_sig, mesh): xy_mu = xy_mu[:, :2] % self.px_size / self.px_size xy_sig = xy_sig[:, :2] / self.px_size dist = torch.distributions.Normal(xy_mu, xy_sig) W = torch.exp(dist.log_prob(mesh[:, :, None]).sum(-1)).permute(2, 0, 1) return W / torch.clamp_min(W.sum(-1).sum(-1), 1.0)[:, None, None]
@torch.jit.script def _place_gaussians(int_hist, inds, W, fs): for i in range(len(W)): int_hist[inds[i, 1]: inds[i, 1] + fs, inds[i, 0]: inds[i, 0] + fs] += W[i] return int_hist @torch.jit.script def _place_gaussians_weighted(comb_hist, inds, weights, W, fs): for i in range(len(W)): comb_hist[inds[i, 1]: inds[i, 1] + fs, inds[i, 0]: inds[i, 0] + fs] \ += torch.stack([W[i], W[i] * weights[i]], -1) return comb_hist def _hist2d(self, em: emitter.EmitterSet, col_vec, x_hist_ext, y_hist_ext, c_range=None): ym, xm = torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(-(self.fs // 2), self.fs // 2, self.fs, device=self.device), torch.linspace(-(self.fs // 2), self.fs // 2, self.fs, device=self.device), ) mesh =[(xm)[..., None], (ym)[..., None]], -1) xy_mus = em.xyz_nm[:, self.plot_axis].to(self.device) xy_sigs = em.xyz_sig_nm[:, self.plot_axis].to(self.device) w = int((x_hist_ext[1] - x_hist_ext[0]) // self.px_size + 1) h = int((y_hist_ext[1] - y_hist_ext[0]) // self.px_size + 1) s_inds = xy_mus - torch.Tensor([x_hist_ext[0], y_hist_ext[0]], device=self.device) s_inds = torch.div(s_inds, self.px_size, rounding_mode="trunc").long() if col_vec is not None: c_pos = torch.clip(col_vec, c_range[0], c_range[1]) c_weight = ((c_pos - c_range[0]) / (c_range[1] - c_range[0])).to(self.device) comb_hist = torch.zeros([h + self.fs, w + self.fs, 2], device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) for i in tqdm(range(len(xy_mus) // + 1)): sl = np.s_[i * (i + 1) *] sub_inds = s_inds[sl] W = self.calc_gaussians(xy_mus[sl], xy_sigs[sl], mesh) c_ws = c_weight[sl] comb_hist = self._place_gaussians_weighted(comb_hist, sub_inds, c_ws, W, torch.tensor(self.fs)) comb_hist = comb_hist[self.fs // 2: -(self.fs // 2 + 1), self.fs // 2: -(self.fs // 2 + 1)] int_hist = comb_hist[:, :, 0] col_hist = comb_hist[:, :, 1] return int_hist.T.cpu().numpy(), col_hist.T.cpu().numpy() else: int_hist = torch.zeros([h + self.fs, w + self.fs], device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) for i in tqdm(range(len(xy_mus) // + 1)): sl = np.s_[i * (i + 1) *] sub_inds = s_inds[sl] W = self.calc_gaussians(xy_mus[sl], xy_sigs[sl], mesh) int_hist = self._place_gaussians(int_hist, sub_inds, W, torch.tensor(self.fs)) int_hist = int_hist[self.fs // 2: -(self.fs // 2 + 1), self.fs // 2: -(self.fs // 2 + 1)] return int_hist.T.cpu().numpy()