Source code for decode.simulation.background

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod  # abstract class
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import torch

from decode.simulation import psf_kernel as psf_kernel

[docs]class Background(ABC): """ Abstract background class. All childs must implement a sample method. """ _forward_modes = ('like', 'cum', 'tuple') _bg_return = namedtuple('bg_return', ['xbg', 'bg']) # return arguments, x plus bg and bg term alone def __init__(self, forward_return: str = None): """ Args: forward_return: determines the return of the forward function. 'like' returns a sample of the same size as the input, 'cum' adds the sample to the input and 'tuple' returns both the sum and the bg component alone. """ super().__init__() self.forward_return = forward_return if forward_return is not None else 'tuple' self.sanity_check()
[docs] def sanity_check(self): """ Tests the sanity of the instance. """ if self.forward_return not in self._forward_modes: raise ValueError(f"Forward return mode {self.forward_return} unsupported. " f"Available modes are: {self._forward_modes}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample(self, size: torch.Size, device=torch.device('cpu')) -> torch.Tensor: """ Samples from background implementation in the specified size. Args: size: size of the sample device: where to put the data Returns: background sample """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample_like(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Samples background in the shape and on the device as the the input. Args: x: input Returns: background sample """ return self.sample(size=x.size(), device=x.device)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ Samples background in the same shape and on the same device as the input x. Depending on the 'forward_return' attribute the bg is - returned alone ('like') - added to the input ('cum') - is added and returned as tuple ('tuple') Args: x: input frames. Dimension :math:`(N,C,H,W)` Returns: (see above description) """ bg = self.sample_like(x) if self.forward_return == 'like': return bg elif self.forward_return == 'cum': return bg + x elif self.forward_return == 'tuple': return self._bg_return(xbg=x + bg, bg=bg) else: raise ValueError
[docs]class UniformBackground(Background): """ Spatially constant background (i.e. a constant offset). """ def __init__(self, bg_uniform: (float, tuple) = None, bg_sampler=None, forward_return=None): """ Adds spatially constant background. Args: bg_uniform (float or tuple of floats): background value or background range. If tuple (bg range) the value will be sampled from a random uniform. bg_sampler (function): a custom bg sampler function that can take a sample_shape argument """ super().__init__(forward_return=forward_return) if (bg_uniform is not None) and (bg_sampler is not None): raise ValueError("You must either specify bg_uniform XOR a bg_distribution") if bg_sampler is None: if isinstance(bg_uniform, (list, tuple)): self._bg_distribution = torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform(*bg_uniform).sample else: self._bg_distribution = _get_delta_sampler(bg_uniform) else: self._bg_distribution = bg_sampler
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(param): return UniformBackground(param.Simulation.bg_uniform)
[docs] def sample(self, size, device=torch.device('cpu')): assert len(size) in (2, 3, 4), "Not implemented size spec." # create as many sample as there are batch-dims bg = self._bg_distribution(sample_shape=[size[0]] if len(size) >= 3 else torch.Size([])) # unsqueeze until we have enough dimensions if len(size) >= 3: bg = bg.view(-1, *((1,) * (len(size) - 1))) return * torch.ones(size, device=device)
def _get_delta_sampler(val: float): def delta_sampler(sample_shape) -> float: return val * torch.ones(sample_shape) return delta_sampler
[docs]class BgPerEmitterFromBgFrame: """ Extract a background value per localisation from a background frame. This is done by mean filtering. """ def __init__(self, filter_size: int, xextent: tuple, yextent: tuple, img_shape: tuple): """ Args: filter_size (int): size of the mean filter xextent (tuple): extent in x yextent (tuple): extent in y img_shape (tuple): image shape """ super().__init__() from decode.neuralfitter.utils import padding_calc as padcalc """Sanity checks""" if filter_size % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("ROI size must be odd.") self.filter_size = [filter_size, filter_size] self.img_shape = img_shape pad_x = padcalc.pad_same_calc(self.img_shape[0], self.filter_size[0], 1, 1) pad_y = padcalc.pad_same_calc(self.img_shape[1], self.filter_size[1], 1, 1) self.padding = torch.nn.ReplicationPad2d((pad_x, pad_x, pad_y, pad_y)) # to get the same output dim self.kernel = torch.ones((1, 1, filter_size, filter_size)) / (filter_size * filter_size) self.delta_psf = psf_kernel.DeltaPSF(xextent, yextent, img_shape) self.bin_x = self.delta_psf._bin_x self.bin_y = self.delta_psf._bin_y def _mean_filter(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Actual magic Args: x: torch.Tensor of size N x C=1 x H x W Returns: (torch.Tensor) mean filter on frames """ # put the kernel to the right device if x.size()[-2:] != torch.Size(self.img_shape): raise ValueError("Background does not match specified image size.") if self.filter_size[0] <= 1: return x self.kernel = x_mean = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(self.padding(x), self.kernel, stride=1, padding=0) # since already padded return x_mean
[docs] def forward(self, tar_em, tar_bg): if tar_bg.dim() == 3: tar_bg = tar_bg.unsqueeze(1) if len(tar_em) == 0: return tar_em local_mean = self._mean_filter(tar_bg) """Extract background values at the position where the emitter is and write it""" pos_x =[:, 0] pos_y =[:, 1] bg_frame_ix = (-int(tar_em.frame_ix.min()) + tar_em.frame_ix).long() ix_x = torch.from_numpy(np.digitize(pos_x.numpy(), self.bin_x, right=False) - 1) ix_y = torch.from_numpy(np.digitize(pos_y.numpy(), self.bin_y, right=False) - 1) """Kill everything that is outside""" in_frame = torch.ones_like(ix_x).bool() in_frame *= (ix_x >= 0) * (ix_x <= self.img_shape[0] - 1) * (ix_y >= 0) * (ix_y <= self.img_shape[1] - 1)[in_frame] = local_mean[bg_frame_ix[in_frame], 0, ix_x[in_frame], ix_y[in_frame]] return tar_em