Source code for decode.utils.calibration_io

import as sio
import torch

import decode.simulation.psf_kernel as psf_kernel

[docs]class SMAPSplineCoefficient: """Wrapper class as an interface for MATLAB Spline calibration data.""" def __init__(self, calib_file): """ Loads a calibration file from SMAP and the relevant meta information Args: file: """ self.calib_file = calib_file self.calib_mat = sio.loadmat(self.calib_file, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['SXY'] self.coeff = torch.from_numpy(self.calib_mat.cspline.coeff) self.ref0 = (self.calib_mat.cspline.x0 - 1, self.calib_mat.cspline.x0 - 1, self.calib_mat.cspline.z0) = self.spline_roi_shape = self.coeff.shape[:3]
[docs] def init_spline(self, xextent, yextent, img_shape, device='cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu', **kwargs): """ Initializes the CubicSpline function Args: xextent: yextent: img_shape: device: on which device to simulate Returns: """ psf = psf_kernel.CubicSplinePSF(xextent=xextent, yextent=yextent, img_shape=img_shape, ref0=self.ref0, coeff=self.coeff, vx_size=(1., 1.,, device=device, **kwargs) return psf