Source code for decode.utils.example_helper

Supplementary code for code examples (mainly jupyter notebook). Some of this seams utterly less abstract and hard-coded, but it is a dedicated example helper ...

import requests
import pathlib
import yaml
import zipfile

import decode
from decode.utils import loader

[docs]def load_gateway(): r = requests.get(decode.__gateway__, allow_redirects=True) return yaml.load(r.content, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
[docs]def load_example_package(path: pathlib.Path, url: str, hash: str): """ Args: path: destination where to save example package url: hash: sha 256 hash """ zip_folder = path.parent / path.stem if not loader.check_file(path, hash): print("Downloading example package, this might take a while. File will be cached.") loader.load(path, url, hash) zip_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(path=zip_folder) else: print("Found file already in Cache.") return zip_folder