Source code for decode.utils.frames_io

import warnings

import torch
import pathlib
import tifffile
from typing import Union, Tuple, Callable, Iterable

from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]def load_tif(path: (str, pathlib.Path), multifile=True) -> torch.Tensor: """ Reads the tif(f) files. When a folder is specified, potentially multiple files are loaded. Which are stacked into a new first axis. Make sure that if you provide multiple files (i.e. a folder) sorting gives the correct order. Otherwise we can not guarantee anything. Args: path: path to the tiff / or folder multifile: auto-load multi-file tiff (for large frame stacks). When path is a directory, multifile is automatically disabled. Returns: torch.Tensor: frames """ p = pathlib.Path(path) """If dir, load multiple files and stack them if more than one found""" if p.is_dir(): file_list = sorted(p.glob('*.tif*')) # load .tif or .tiff frames = [] for f in tqdm(file_list, desc="Tiff loading"): frames.append(torch.from_numpy(tifffile.imread(str(f), multifile=False).astype('float32'))) if frames.__len__() >= 2: frames = torch.stack(frames, 0) else: frames = frames[0] else: im = tifffile.imread(str(p), multifile=multifile) frames = torch.from_numpy(im.astype('float32')) if frames.squeeze().ndim <= 2: warnings.warn(f"Frames seem to be of wrong dimension ({frames.size()}), " f"or could only find a single frame.", ValueError) return frames
[docs]class TiffTensor: def __init__(self, file, dtype='float32'): """ Memory-mapped tensor. Note that data is loaded only to the extent to which the object is accessed through brackets '[ ]' Therefore, this tensor has no value and no state until it is sliced and then returns a torch tensor. You can of course enforce loading the whole tiff by tiff_tensor[:] Args: file: path to tiff file dtype: data type to which to convert """ self._file = file self._dtype = dtype def __getitem__(self, pos) -> torch.Tensor: # convert to tuple if not already if not isinstance(pos, tuple): pos = tuple([pos]) image = tifffile.imread(str(self._file), key=pos[0]).astype(self._dtype) if len(pos) == 1: return torch.from_numpy(image) return torch.from_numpy(image).__getitem__(pos[1:]) def __setitem(self, key, value): raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self): tiff = tifffile.TiffFile(self._file, mode='rb') n = len(tiff.pages) tiff.close() return n
[docs]class BatchFileLoader: def __init__(self, par_folder: Union[str, pathlib.Path], file_suffix: str = '.tif', file_loader: Union[None, Callable] = None, exclude_pattern: Union[None, str] = None): """ Iterates through parent folder and returns the loaded frames as well as the filename in their iterator Example: >>> batch_loader = BatchFileLoader('dummy_folder') >>> for frame, file in batch_loader: >>> out = model.forward(frame) Args: par_folder: parent folder in which the files are file_suffix: suffix to search for exclude_pattern: specifies excluded patterns via regex string. If that pattern is found anywhere (!) in the files path, the file will be ingored. """ self.par_folder = par_folder if isinstance(par_folder, pathlib.Path) else pathlib.Path(par_folder) if not self.par_folder.is_dir(): raise FileExistsError(f"Path {str(self.par_folder)} is either not a directory or does not exist.") self.files = list(self.par_folder.rglob('*' + file_suffix)) self.file_loader = file_loader if file_loader is not None else load_tif self._exclude_pattern = exclude_pattern if isinstance(exclude_pattern, (list, tuple)) else [exclude_pattern] self.remove_by_exclude() self._n = -1 def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.files) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, pathlib.Path]: """ Returns: torch.Tensor: frames Path: path to file """ if self._n >= len(self) - 1: raise StopIteration self._n += 1 return self.file_loader(self.files[self._n]), self.files[self._n]
[docs] def remove_by_exclude(self): """ Removes the the files that match the exclude pattern """ if self._exclude_pattern is None: return assert isinstance(self._exclude_pattern, (list, tuple)) for e in self._exclude_pattern: excludes = set(self.par_folder.rglob(e)) self.files = list(set(self.files) - excludes)