Source code for decode.utils.param_io

import json
# import copy
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
    import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:  # Try backported to PY<37 `importlib_resources`.
    import importlib_resources as pkg_resources

import yaml

from .types import RecursiveNamespace

[docs]class ParamHandling: file_extensions = ('.json', '.yml', '.yaml') def __init__(self): self.params_dict = None self.params_dot = None def _check_return_extension(self, filename): """ Checks the specified file suffix as to whether it is in the allowed list Args: filename """ extension = pathlib.PurePath(filename).suffix if extension not in self.file_extensions: raise ValueError(f"Filename must be in {self.file_extensions}") return extension
[docs] def load_params(self, filename: str) -> RecursiveNamespace: """ Load parameters from file Args: filename: Returns: """ extension = self._check_return_extension(filename) if extension == '.json': with open(filename) as json_file: params_dict = json.load(json_file) elif extension in ('.yml', '.yaml'): with open(filename) as yaml_file: params_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) params_ref = load_reference() params_dict = autofill_dict(params_dict, params_ref) params = RecursiveNamespace(**params_dict) self.params_dict = params_dict self.params_dot = params return params
[docs] def write_params(self, filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], param: Union[dict, RecursiveNamespace]): """ Write parameter file to path Args: filename: param: """ filename = filename if isinstance(filename, pathlib.Path) else pathlib.Path(filename) extension = self._check_return_extension(filename) if isinstance(param, RecursiveNamespace): param = param.to_dict() """Create Folder if not exists.""" p = pathlib.Path(filename) try: pathlib.Path(p.parents[0]).mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("I will only create the last folder for parameter saving. " "But the path you specified lacks more folders or is completely wrong.") if extension == '.json': with'w') as write_file: json.dump(param, write_file, indent=4) elif extension in ('.yml', '.yaml'): with'w') as yaml_file: yaml.dump(param, yaml_file)
[docs] def convert_param_file(self, file_in, file_out): """ Simple wrapper to convert file from and to json / yaml """ params = self.load_params(file_in) self.write_params(file_out, params)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_param_debug(param): param.HyperParameter.pseudo_ds_size = 1024 param.TestSet.test_size = 128 param.InOut.model_out = 'network/'
[docs]def load_params(file): # alias return ParamHandling().load_params(file)
[docs]def load_reference() -> dict: """ Loads the static reference .yaml file because there we have the full sets and default values. """ from . import reference_files param_ref = pkg_resources.open_text(reference_files, 'reference.yaml') param_ref = yaml.load(param_ref, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) return param_ref
[docs]def autofill_dict(x: dict, reference: dict, mode_missing: str = 'include') -> dict: """ Fill dict `x` with keys and values of reference if they are not present in x. Args: x: input dict to be filled reference: reference dictionary mode_missing: """ if mode_missing == 'exclude': # create new dict and copy out = {} elif mode_missing == 'include': out = x else: raise ValueError for k, v in reference.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): out[k] = autofill_dict(x[k] if k in x else {}, v) elif k in x: # below here never going to be a dict out[k] = x[k] else: out[k] = reference[k] return out
[docs]def save_params(file, param): # alias ParamHandling().write_params(file, param)
[docs]def autoset_scaling(param): def set_if_none(var, value): if var is None: var = value return var param.Scaling.input_scale = set_if_none(param.Scaling.input_scale, param.Simulation.intensity_mu_sig[0] / 50) param.Scaling.phot_max = set_if_none(param.Scaling.phot_max, param.Simulation.intensity_mu_sig[0] + 8 * param.Simulation.intensity_mu_sig[ 1]) param.Scaling.z_max = set_if_none(param.Scaling.z_max, param.Simulation.emitter_extent[2][1] * 1.2) if param.Scaling.input_offset is None: if isinstance(param.Simulation.bg_uniform, (list, tuple)): param.Scaling.input_offset = (param.Simulation.bg_uniform[1] + param.Simulation.bg_uniform[0]) / 2 else: param.Scaling.input_offset = param.Simulation.bg_uniform if param.Scaling.bg_max is None: if isinstance(param.Simulation.bg_uniform, (list, tuple)): param.Scaling.bg_max = param.Simulation.bg_uniform[1] * 1.2 else: param.Scaling.bg_max = param.Simulation.bg_uniform * 1.2 return param
[docs]def add_root_relative(path: (str, Path), root: (str, Path)): """ Adds the root to a path if the path is not absolute Args: path (str, Path): path to file root (str, Path): root path Returns: Path: absolute path to file """ if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) if not isinstance(root, Path): root = Path(root) if path.is_absolute(): return path else: return root / path
[docs]def copy_reference_param(path: Union[str, Path]): """ Copies our param references to the desired path Args: path: destination path, must exist and be a directory """ path = path if isinstance(path, Path) else Path(path) assert path.is_dir() from . import reference_files pr = pkg_resources.read_text(reference_files, "reference.yaml") pf = pkg_resources.read_text(reference_files, "param_friendly.yaml") (path / "reference.yaml").write_text(pr) (path / "param_friendly.yaml").write_text(pf)